Board minutes
2-10-25 SBA Meeting
Attendance: Allison Laudadio, James Blount, Francesca Cuttitta, Josh Gallagher, Garrison McDaniel, Haley Hauk-Landon, Matthew Jolley, Andrew Louis, Olivia Callari, Gambill Dallas
Start Time: 7:18
End Time: 8:12
Photographer and DJ ready to be booked
Venue is solid - working on deposit technicalities with JG
Start time: 8pm - midnight
Next steps:
JG making event
Officially signing/booking DJ and photographer
Ordering photobooth iPad thing
Planning / ordering decorations (masks, photo backdrop, other?)
Creating flyer, announcing theme, setting ticket prices, making item
Girl Scout cookies - Monday, Feb 17 from 1pm to 5ish in the atrium!
Elections meetings - in touch with Maddie and Jack
LSC providing food at both
Thank you HHL for flyers!
DH to update PPTs
Campaign statements, headshots, signature sheets due Saturday Feb 22 at 5pm
We will email them Saturday night letting them know whether their position is contested; if it is they give a speech Monday 2/24 at Townhall
Florida Justice Association event - Wednesday March 26 at 5/6pm in Rotunda
Updates from Friday afternoon meeting with their team; networking event
TBA YLS panel - OC in touch with our contact Kelly Ann
OC, MJ, and HHL planning
1L/Transfer headshots - Admin is working on it; supposed to happen this semester!
Handled FSU Brands logo issues
Limited Golf update this week
Golf Committee be on the lookout for instructions from me
Reminder about the D’Alemberte & Palmer lecture on Wednesday.
Handling NoleCentral requests
Send screenshot of chalk and flags to JG
Making shopping cart of Panera order
Make SquareSpace product
I’m alive!
Excused Absence
Social media posts are ready to be published
Waiting for confirmation on the elections meeting from Student Supreme Court
Will help Olivia with whatever needs to be done for the TBA YLS
Still working on trying to get a venue for golf
Introduced the idea of some form of orientation for Spring Semester Transfers
City of Tallahassee Guy - Working on making street crosswalks safe
Dean Meeting: Re 1L Feedback - Friday
RE: Section Showdown - Where are the field day things we already have? In this office?
IM fields
Having a lot of trouble finding a venue for Golf
Really enjoying this season of the Bachelor
2-3-25 SBA Meeting
Attendance: Allison Laudadio, James Blount, Josh Gallagher, Garrison McDaniel, Diego Hemelberg, Haley Hauk-Landon, Matthew Jolley, Andrew Louis, Olivia Callari, Gambill Dallas
Start Time: 7:18
End Time: 8:27
Confirmed venue, save the dates sent out
Working on money with Josh
Need photographer!
Student Give Back Campaign
Please sign up for a tabling shift or donate a fundathon shift!
All runners contribute to Give Back Campaign
Make sure to have a sign-in sheet
Elections meetings
DH updating PPT
TBA YLS panel
HHL and OC are interested in becoming reps
Golf Update
Southwood is out, other courses are in
Golf Committee is hard at work
Goal is to finalize venue by end of week
Have we considered the one in Killearn? - GM
Finalizing financials for remaining events this semester
Form 990 emails (I assume taxes) are piling up in the inbox
Need to finalize food and start time
JG handling NoleCentral part
Email to RSO Leaders sent out
HHL - Need a poster for this once details are finalized
1L Locker situation has been handled
The Artist Formerly Known as Fran:
Excused Absence
Drafted PPT for Elections Meetings
Only needs campaign/voting dates, times, and deadlines
Trial Team Comp is this weekend!
Introduce the idea for a girl scouts table to sell cookies
Working to finalize multiple social media posts
Went to Southwood last week to talk to them about Golf, but venue is booked
Working with James about other golf course venues
CSO meeting Wednesday
Photographer update: $400.00 (7-11)
Saw the Monroe last week
Finalize 1L Showdown date - Feb 28th 12:30 PM?
GM, HHL (and her people), DH
Going to call Capital City CC tomorrow to talk about Golf venue
Excited to finalize stuff for Section Showdown
Meeting with Career Services with the other reps to discuss 1L concerns
Demoing someone’s house for a potential Section C gathering in March
1-27-25 SBA Meeting
Attendance: Allison Laudadio, James Blount, Josh Gallagher, Garrison McDaniel, Diego Hemelberg, Haley Hauk-Landon, Matthew Jolley, Olivia Callari, Andrew Louis, Gambill Dallas
Start Time: 7:18
End Time: 8:16
Semester at a glance:
Fund Run - GM, JG, DH, ALA
Planning on Sat, Feb 22
Need flyer asap
SBA LSC COGS Elections Interest Meeting - Wed, Feb 19
Pls coordinate flyer situation with Maddie (needs all 3 logos)
LSC providing food
Elections Townhall - Mon, Feb 24
Need flyer
TBA YLS Lunchtime panel
Golf - JB, MJ, GD, OC
Barristers - AL, FC, HHL, GD, OC
Barristers - AL and GD toured The Monroe. LOVED it. (avail 4/4 or 4/5)
Tentatively 7-11pm
Waiting on pricing from Governor’s Club (avail 4/5)
1L’s, keep us in the loop on section showdown for scheduling reasons
Thinking: Friday, 2/28 (after 12PM); Sat. 3/1; or Sun 3/2 - OC
Main campus opportunity: sit on a panel for admitted students to FSU undergrad
Golf Update:
Need to break even at minimum
Discussion around pricing of sponsorships - likely staying the same
Venue Choices:
1. Southwood, 2. Capital City, 3. Hillaman
GM help organize list and groups to go ask for donations
Announcement will be dropped hopefully by the end of the week
Lecture in International Human Rights w/ Former Ireland President
Great way to get exposed to International Law and Human Rights
Reimburse board members for Woodser costs
Adjust budget to include chord costs
Officer Izquierdo said that both February 15th and February 22nd are available
Likely going with February 22
Need the following to confirm on Nole Central:
Food (Vendor, serving items, etc.)
HHL Panera Pick up (AL as backup)
Time (8:00am - 12:00pm?)
Email IM to get big clock - DH to call
If IM doesn’t have, maybe TLH marathon peeps?
Will need chalk and hopefully flags to mark route
GM screenshot Amazon cart for chalk and flags
Arrive around 6:30 to mark routes
Calendar is up to date
EASL: Looking to do 3x3 basketball tournament for March Madness
ALA, would love your help if interested
Heard back from the Social about hosting us for Barristers, but their max capacity is 280
(Excused Absence)
Creating Powerpoint for Town Hall meeting
Helping allocate Fund Run necessities
Creating social media post for the following events:
Fund Run
Elections Interest (check w/ Maddie) and Town Hall
Barrister’s save-the-date
Golf tournament
Received email about admitted students day through LSC - considering volunteering
Will help reaching out to attorneys and others for the golf tournament
Chipped in for Eagle last weekend on Par 4 (minutes worthy)
Helping out with Fund Run
1L Section Showdown: Potential dates: Feb 28, Mar. 1, or Mar. 2nd
Game Ideas: Tug of war, kickball, 3 legged race/egg race, over/under (borrow from IM fields, get flyer from AL)
Any suggestions? Dodgeball?
LSC: Suggestions of people that might be interested in an LSC position?
Looking to spread word about the role, its importance, and help garner interest
Golf: Would love to figure out what we are sending out so I can start
Barristers: Can help with decorations, vendors, etc.
Elections: Available both dates, free to help.
Coordinating with Olivia for Section Showdown - handling interior needs
Need to coordinate availability with other board members for refereeing
Once venue is booked for Golf, will be reaching out to local attorneys via door-to-door
Observing “The Bachelor” premiere night - highly important
11-18-24 SBA Meeting
Attendance: Allison Laudadio, James Blount, Josh Gallagher, Garrison McDaniel, Fran Cuttitta, Diego Hemelberg, Haley Hauk-Landon, Matt Jolley, Olivia Callari, Andrew Louis, Gambill Dallas
Start Time: 7:52
End Time: 8:47
Last in-person meeting of the semester!!!
Barristers Bowl was great; heard good reviews on IM fields - thanks to everyone who attended and helped out!
Canned food drive: tuesday-tuesday (11/19-11/25)
Pizza party for winning 1L section
“Grateful For” posterboard display
Need posterboard, sticky notes, and a couple sharpies
Borrowing Bins from deans; they need to be picked up - who can help?
Haven't heard back about bins; who has some we can borrow? I have 1-2 super big ones, we need 6 total
Waiting on Danielle to respond before launching
We need to print these flyers (1 of each; 4 total) which will get taped to each bin – who can help?
JG - Need funds for craft supplies for posters
Need counters for cans to determine winners
AL will deliver food to Second Harvest probably Wednesday 11/27
LSC stuff
JG and AL will be in touch with LSC by Wednesday regarding appeals, etc.
Homecoming events: (THIS weekend!)
Hoco Parade: Friday 1:30-2:30pm; 1Ls plan to walk, anyone else?
Probably AL unless work conflict; TBD
I have work otherwise I would - FC
Clock and Seal: Friday evening - AL, JB, GM, HHL attending
Alumni Tailgate: Saturday morning - we don’t work the event as SBA but I do recommend attending!
Holiday gift drive
I want to get form sent out to parents before or just after thanksgiving so we can create Amazon wishlist → faculty will purchase items straight from wishlist and have gifts delivered to the school (and students if they want to participate) → we will have a cute display in the atrium or reading room and do a day during finals where parents can bring their kids to come grab their gifts; deans want to photograph event for their socials
Gathered names of students with children to begin coordinating who needs gifts
Woodser: Thurs, Jan 9th 7-10pm
GD, did the band provide a quote?
Need to get written contract so we can request funds
AL in touch with Dogwood house and with Tomahawk
Dogwood has sound system available IF band falls through
Need contract for appeals/funds
Plan of action for ticket sales???
Save the date before finals
Potential Black Friday sale
Begin hard push between Christmas and New Years
Working on LSC plans with Josh; need official bus quote/contract
Next semester:
Fund Run: TBD Jan 25th or 26th
JB getting in touch with FSU PD to determine date and route
Golf: TBD Feb 21st or 22nd
AL working with Dean O’Connor and Dean Thornton
GM reaching out to Hilaman and Southwood for quotes
Likely going to be a Friday morning
Coordinate with 1L legal writing professors - AL/Deans
Barristers: TBD April 4th or 5th
Save the Date out by end of January
Still waiting on venue
Getting quotes from AC, Champions Club Ballroom
People are still having issues with one of the refrigerators being locked
The one with the energy drinks
Restocking the Coffee Corner for finals
FAMILY DINNER discussion
7pm on Sunday, Nov 24
Will write out the Woodser check whenever
I plan to be at the Alumni Tailgate
Can assist with the LSC appeals meeting if needed
Do we have time LSC-wise to do a coffee corner restock for finals season? - AL
Yes but I am not heading it- JG
LSC Update
Section money update?
Delinquencies have all been address
Calendar has been updated to reflect upcoming spring events
Halloween PO issue has been resolved
Good luck to everyone on finals!
Can help wherever needed
Continuing to help with planning Woodser
Social Media
Begin designing a Woodser Launch
Would like to start monthly calendar posts starting next semester
Have LSC appeals meeting is this Wednesday at 5pm
Crashout avoided. Locked in for good now.
Will help with whatever is needed for Homecoming
Potential fundraiser ideas for next semester
Flag football game
3 v 3 tournaments
Headshots in the spring - Haley mentioned Student Advancement usually does this
1Ls were asking if there are opportunities to get headshots…would love to maybe work on putting something together.
Ask if student advancement is planning to do them - If not, it’d be a cool thing for SBA do do - AL
Negotiating with Far2Fresh (band) to perform at Woodser
Will assist with whatever is needed for Golf Fundraiser
It was fun getting in the booth for Barrister’s Bowl - need to upgrade the setup next year
11-4-24 SBA Meeting
Attendance: Allison Laudadio, James Blount, Andrew Louis, Olivia Callari, Matthew Jolley, Gambill Dallas, Francesca Cuttitta, Haley Hauk-Landon
Start Time: 8:14 PM
End Time: 8:58 PM
Happening SOON:
Wellness Tailgate 11/7 - 12:00 - 1:30 pm
12:00 - 12:30 - AL
12:30 - 1:30 - JB, ALA, OC, HHL, GD
AL confirmed shifts with Dean Busch
We need to send Danielle anything that needs to be printed
Flyers for membership link, future events, and who we are (MJ)
MJ: QR code, fast facts (why gold?), who we are (look to website) → visuals, include rentals (for RSOs)
Raffle → pickle ball set, SBA hat
Attire: school clothes (normal)
Who can bring a khaki hat to Danielle on Tuesday?
AL will be bringing it to Wellness Tailgate at 12
Barristers Bowl - FC and MJ - updates? 11/12 @6PM
Things to bring:
Publix food
2 Tables
Lawn chairs (for yourself)
MJ and FC: reach out to Kelly and Hannah to decorate the atrium → handoff the decorations
Start decorating tomorrow or Wednesday?
JB: email Danielle flier for approval and hang it up in atrium
Cannot attend?
MJ (late)
HHL: emailing student announcements
Rep your Country at State - 11/14 3:30 pm on the green
SBA to attend support
Who can attend?
AL from 4-5pm
Rest of the semester:
Canned food drive
Plan for the week of November 18-22
AL will spearhead
OC/HHL (flier alert!)
Need to get bins
Holiday gift drive
Geared towards the students who have kids
Pitch to Deans and Admin to purchase gifts → students can buy gifts too
Looking ahead to spring:
Lots will happen over Christmas Break for Woodser, Golf, Fund Run, and Barristers
Woodser: submitting contract/deposit for venue, booking buses, LSC requests, making flyer, starting to advertise BEFORE the first day of school
Thoughts on how to ensure ticket sales BEFORE first day back? Because by then it’ll be too late to start pushing
GD, OC reaching out to local bands (Far2Fresh, Thomasville band)
Golf: reaching out to venues (maybe Seminole Golf; Dean Thorton), picking date, making save-the-date, talking to LWR Prof’s
Fund Run: picking date, securing FSUPD, making course, LSC requests, flyer
JB has FSUPD contact
Barristers: pick venue, pick date, make save-the-date, start budgeting/LSC talks
***All of these events take a lot of work and ALL board members will help a lot with EACH!
Other spring events:
1L’s section showdown - run by 1L’s; we’re here for support/advice/resources
Field day - team colors
Events ideas - trivia Relay, Egg shell race, wheelbarrow, tug of war, dodgeball, kickball, sock wrestling
Beginning of March - end of Feb; TBD
IM fields maybe
See AL’s past flier
Elections events - need to schedule timing of elections and lead-up lunch mtg’s
Civic engagement fair - TBD on details / timing
Networking with Tallahassee
Last year it was in January
Supreme Evening - SBA possibly volunteering; TBD on details
Early in January
Other Panels/ lunch meetings - collabs with other orgs, TBA YLS, etc. - TBD
Taking the MPRE on Friday, so rather unavailable this week, sorry in advance
Will be at Wellness Tailgate
Fund Run
Plan is to use the same course as last year
Must contact FSUPD about a month out, got the contact from main campus
Start and end the run at the stadium
Chalk the event → posters?
Date: Jan 25th?? TBD
Parking Grievances from students
LSC Budget submitted with AL
Halloween was a huge success
Pizza was fantastic, venue was great
I think we stayed under budget?
Great feedback
Some bandwidth after this week
Board shoutouts
No report!
Frame for photos please
not much for y’all this week, so please let me know if you need anything!
Barrister’s Bowl Publix order will be sent to Josh this evening
Teams are trying to plan a practice before Barristers Bowl
Leaving town this weekend to go home for my birthday but will be around for Wellness Tailgate if I need to pick up a shift or anything else
Great reviews of event
Receipt from Section A social
Who won the costume contest?
The chipmunks and chipettes
Open to help with things this week
Put in black out dates for the Spring
Coffee machine out of coffee
People enjoyed Halloween event
Looking to schedule Section C event for next weekend
Meeting with other 1L reps about showdown/housekeeping
Let me know how I can help with planning any spring events (especially golf:))
Tentative Barristers Theme Ideas:
Casino Royale
Great Gatsby
Finals season starting to get real for the 1Ls it seems (including me)
10-28-24 SBA Meeting
Attendance: Allison Laudadio, James Blount, Josh Gallagher, Garrison McDaniel, Fran Cuttitta, Diego Hemelberg, Haley Hauk-Landon, Matthew Jolley, Olivia Callari, Andrew Louis, Gambill Louis
Start Time: 8:05
End Time: 9:09
Halloween Shifts are set
Set Up (6pm): OC, ALA, GM
Early Shift (7-7:30): GD, DH, GM
Middle Shift (7:30-8): FC, JG
Late Shift (8-8:30): HHL, MJ
Clean Up (9:35/40ish probably): AL, JB
AL & JB (class until 7:05), and JG (Trial Team) arriving late
Cannot bring dogs inside at Proof, so discourage, but don’t deny
Barristers Bowl officially booked at Field 2 (Old IM Fields) on Nov. 12 from 5:00 - 7:00pm
Send flyer for after Halloween - Maybe Friday afternoon or Saturday morning
MJ send screenshot to JG of receipts for PO
MJ cannot pick up, AL & HHL pick up Publix
Canned Immunity Drive around Thanksgiving time
Essentially just put bins for donations in the atrium
1Ls represent and promote (with help of FC) - Section competition?
Speak to professors and see if willing to participate for cold call exemption
AL, JB, GM, HHL attending Clock and Seal; TBD on payment to Maddie/LSC for seats
Homecoming parade - SBA usually walks in it with the law school - who is interested?
Friday, November 22, at 2 p.m., according to the FSU website
AL, 1Ls strongly encouraged (if possible)
Homecoming Alumni Tailgate - we may table or at least try to attend; cool event
Received a contract and information for Woodser
Signed by Allison and send to Dogwood House manager
Bus quote has been shared with Josh
FC reached out to Jackson Henry’s band - around $1500
SBA may volunteer with Supreme Evening - Thurs, 1/16 at 5:15 - 9:00 pm
Packing goody bags and help with setup
Table dinner with a keynote speaker
JB, FC, JG, MJ, HHL, OC, ALA, GD all interested
Sharing hurricane relief drive flyer on behalf of PILC
Shameless plug that y’all should attend Final Four (11/6 - 3PM)
Dean’s Corner - questions/comments/concerns from your sections or friends?
Random water puddles in front of fridges in student lounge
I emailed CES for FSUPD info related to the Fund Run, but have not heard back yet
There is either no cost, but need to give FSUPD the route a month in advance
Created an SBA Election Guide as part of the Knowledge Transfer project
Budget quotes/requests update
Inquire about bringing last year’s leftover funds towards the spring semester
1Ls who wants to shadow the Treasurer role to assist me in this crazy lifestyle.
Starting this weekend and Next week I will be unavailable
Movie Night was a success
30ish people turned out - lots of good reviews - want another one at some point
Finalize tab/food order for Halloween to Angela
Soft cap at the beginning of the event - can push if needed
Halloween tickets at 167 - 8:00pm on 10/28
Found a (double) delinquency from Semi Formal
$65 in delinquencies currently
Christmas Tree toy drive for students with kids?
I’m so down to spearhead this! - HHL
See Allison’s section for report on Barristers Bowl and Canned Immunity
See Allison’s section for report on Woodser
Board picture is here - framed and put up
Social media pushes this week
Tuesday morning: PILC hurricane drive
Tuesday afternoon: Halloween recap
Shared my decorations quotes with JG
Publix order for Barrister’s Bowl is ready to go
Planning on using the gatorades in Caldwell for Barrister’s Bowl
Thinking about doing Mad So trivia night for transfers
Planning event for my section - tentatively buying tenders & plates/utensils from Publix
Gold members still waiting on locker assignment
Section B Bonfire on Thursday was a success
Would love to do a joint 1L get together…@AL and @GD
OC - bring waters from section event for Barrister’s Bowl
Talk to Juan about his membership - talk to him about getting 3 yr.
Will talk with JB and GM about Fund Run
Working on Section B grillout after Veteran’s Day holiday
“Unwavering faith, unyielding belief, dependence on the Lord.” - Jameis Winston
10-21-24 SBA Meeting
Attendance: Allison Laudadio, James Blount, Francesca Cuttitta, Josh Gallagher, Garrison McDaniel, Diego Hemelberg, Haley Hauk-Landon, Matthew Jolley, Andrew Louis, Olivia Callari, Gambill Dallas
Start Time: 8:04
End Time: 9:22
Printing flyers for Halloween and adding to the student announcements
GD to email for approval, print, and post
ALA to email to student announcements
We need to sell another 80+ tickets so please push. (goal: 200)
Pushing to bring non-law friends
Post old Halloween pics in costumes on story
I’m on decorations with OC; we can see what we have and what we need
OC and AL to get Candy, cobwebs, other dollar store stuff
Reminder of shifts:
Set Up (6pm): OC, ALA,
Early Shift (7-7:30): GD, DH, GM
Middle Shift (7:30-8): FC, JG
Late Shift (8-8:30): HHL, MJ
Clean Up (9:35/40ish probably): AL, JB
AL needs to get forms for 1) the staffing fee and 2) food
Wellness tailgate moved to 11/7
Updated date and time; need to respond to Dean Busch with boards availability
12:00 - 12:30 - AL
12:30 - 1:30 - JB, ALA, OC, HHL, GD
Request anything that needs to be printed
Flyers for membership link, future events, and who we are (MJ)
LSC MSC Meeting - 10/23 at 7:30 pm in Union Project Room
New SBA/LSC joint members attending
Barristers Bowl
Still determining dates/times
MJ and I created FSU and UF group mes
UF: Kelly Welch; Coach: Josh Gessner
FSU: Hannah Robinson; Coach: Jacob Phelps??
Jacob is asking about bringing two more assistants?
FC is checking for Gatorades and submitting FMX request
Getting quote for $50 worth of sports snacks
MJ writing blurb for push on GroupMe/Socials
DH reached out to Dogwood; 1/9 available - Band has to stop playing at 10pm
Around $3500 - includes fires, tables, toilets
Times: 7-11pm
Clock and Seal event - Friday, November 22, 2024 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Tickets available for purchase, AL will attend; looking for 3 more if interested ($50 per person)
GM, HHL, JB interested in joining
Spring LSC request
Big task, led by JG but be ready to assist as needed @ everyone
Reimbursed those who needed checks
Dean’s Corner:
A lot of complaints about the Starbucks machine - today it sprayed a student
Complaints about refrigerators being locked
ABA stuff to do this week:
ABA meeting on Wed. - understand role better and how to reach out to students.
Picking up some ABA materials from student advancement tomorrow.
Plan to begin tabling in the coming weeks and hope to make that a regular thing
Knowledge Transfer:
Still working on election stuff, will hopefully have a finished product next week.
Halloween Money Updates
Submitted EP for Proof - making sure they are an approved vendor
Everything needs to be in by Wednesday
LSC Spring Budget Request is due November 1st
This is going to be a group effort
Barristers - DJ, Venue, Food, Photographer, photo booth, decorations
Venue /food - AL
Photography - JG
Photo booth - GM
Decorations - HHL
Woodser - Venue, Buses, Band
Venue - DH
Buses - OC
Band - FC
Golf Fundraiser - Venue, Food (tentatively)
Venue/Food - GM
5K Community Fund Run - Food, Security, chalk
Food - GD
Security - JB
Chalk - ALA
Elections Town Hall
Food - ALA
Interest Meeting
$250 Fo d - ALA
Student Concerns - LSC minutes not disclosing where money goes and how much
Website is updated (Home Page and Board Members)
Halloween ticket count at 114 (8:00pm - 10/21)
Movie Night - Friday, Oct. 25 - Showing original Halloween
Costco popcorn bags were donated
Probably going to get small bags - Will need help popping and dividing up
Arriving around 7:00 pm for setup
TBA Chili Cookoff this Wednesday - anyone interested in volunteering?
DH, GM, MJ volunteer w/ Stephen Fowler
Board Shoutouts
Barrister’s Bowl updates (See Allison’s section)
Dogwood updates (See Allison’s section)
Board pic printed at CVS, picking up later tonight
Social Media posts:
calendar post
barrister’s bowl
any other requests?
waiting on Dean Sharpe for hurricane drive, but FC and I discussed pivoting for something to holidays because of timing?
Love this - makes sense to just make it a beefier food and supplies drive for the fall / thanksgiving season which we do annually anyway for Second Harvest (hurricane supply drive + thanksgiving canned food drive) - AL
Got with Fran to coordinate the Barristers Bowl, have GroupMe set up
Plan to make a post in transfer chat, and can post in 2L chat
Have first LSC meeting this Wednesday, I plan to attend
New Gold Members waiting on Locker Assignments
All Gold Member Locker Assignments are up to date - GM
Able to help with all upcoming events
Poptart breakfast for section
Using Section B funds - heads up - doing a section B bonfire this Thursday
Give receipt to AL
Pushing upcoming events and memberships
Trying to plan section C kickback with professors.
10-14-24 SBA Meeting
Attendance: Allison Laudadio, James Blount, Francesca Cuttitta, Josh Gallagher, Garrison McDaniel, Haley Hauk-Landon, Diego Hemelberg, Matthew Jolley, Olivia Callari, Andrew Louis, Gambill Dallas
Start Time: 8:03
End Time: 9:30
Semi Formal was a great event - thank you all for your hard work!
GM provided list of refunds and delinquencies needed for process
Dropping link to photo album onn instagram and in group chats
Booking has been handled by GM for Halloween
Ticket pricing launching tomorrow at 12:30pm
Early Bird Special - 24 hours
Start with $15/$25
Move to $20/$30
Shifts for Halloween Social
Halloween decorations - OC, AL
Set Up (6pm): OC, ALA,
Early Shift (7-7:30): GD, DH, GM
Middle Shift (7:30-8): FC, JG
Late Shift (8-8:30): HHL, MJ
Clean Up (9:35/40ish probably): AL, JB
MJ drafting blurb, HHL finalizing flyer
Barristers Bowl happening tentatively November 12 - Tuesday night
JB talked to Hannah Robinson - willing to work on FSU side
MJ and FC reaching out to more people this week and find one more ref
Try to find a point person for each side (UF/FSU) by next week?
Aiming for January 9th, 2025 (first Thursday back) for Woodser
Dogwood House - DH reaching out this week
FC reaching out to Jackson Henry for band info - “Local Forecast”
We need to drop link to med-law video
Non-cabinet SBA members to serve on LSC: HHL, MJ, ALA
Dean’s Corner: comments/concerns from your sections, etc.?
Third floor bathroom library sink broken men’s room
Restock fridges and cutlery in lounge, has been out for a few days
Concerning student speech at Semi and in lunch meetings
Shoutout to everyone for their work before/during Semi, you guys rock
Attending ABA meeting next wednesday to try and understand ABA role a little bit better
Will likely start tabling for this either this week or next
Talked to Hannah Robinson, she is willing to help out with Barrister’s Bowl
Knowledge Transfer Update:
This week I plan to address: Elections and Nole Central/Picking up food for events
Discuss current account standing
Finalize receipts for Semi expenses
Keep Halloween decorations as relatively inexpensive as possible
Handling paperwork for Halloween with the school
Final count was 249 tickets sold for Semi
Halloween at Proof is set - 10/31 from 7-10pm
Initial quote has been sent to the email
In contact with Angela to adjust according to ticket sales
She needs to know pizza order before EOD on Monday 10/28 to order ingredients because this is a custom order
Proof is offering $100 gift card to best costume
Send me headshots to update website
Scary Movie Night on the Green next Friday? (10/25)
Looks nice next weekend and around high 60s after sunset
Board Shoutouts
Working with AL and HLL on collaborating with Deans for Hurricane Relief Drive
Waiting for Dean Sharpe to respond
Per Dean O’Connor, draft an email for a needs-based form
Stairs photo will be printed once it’s uploaded to the Drive
Dogwood House reachout, January 9th, 7pm-11pm, 200 attendees, live band inquire
Will be out of town Nov 7-11, 2024
Semi Formal decorations refund handled
Social Media
Semi Formal recap tomorrow @ 8:00 AM
Halloween poster tomorrow @ 12:30 PM
Waiting to post 1L members until I receive headshots
Calendar post
Planning on getting with others on who is good points of contact for Barristers Bowl
Transfers have expressed interest in my using my $100 allotment for Happy Hour in November to give a break from finals prep or in the Spring
I have been sharing photo drive from Semi with students in my section that asked
Everyone had an awesome time at semi, one person asked for more clarity on what the events entails and what to expect
Refunds for semi decorations - $25.80 for balloons
AL will write check
Semi was great, everyone has been raving about it
Willing to help with Halloween and Barristers Bowl
Wagon has been returned from Semi
Hoping to plan a section event next weekend. Depends on Atkinson party.
Update/follow-up on coffee corner/Starbucks machine
Heard a lot of concerns about lounge fridge not being restocked (new stock requests)
Announcing with JG for Barrister’s Bowl
10-7-24 SBA Meeting
Attendance: Allison Laudadio, James Blount, Francesca Cuttitta, Garrison McDaniel, Diego Hemelberg, Haley Hauk-Landon, Matt Jolley, Andrew Louis, Gambill Dallas
Start Time: 8:03
End Time: 9:24
Tailgate was a huge success - All items returned to rightful owners
Reminders: Please check in on your own to-do list items throughout the week
Semi Formal ticket shifts:
Decorations - HHL, OC
8:00-8:30 (2) - JG, MJ
8:30-9:00 (3) - FC, DH, ALA
9:00-9:30 (2) - GM, AL
Clean Up (2) - JB, GD
Goal is to sell another 100 Semi tickets this week; push to your friends/sections
Prices being raised tonight at 10:30pm to $40/$60
Aim to sell 100 more, minimum 60 more. (260-300 total)
Need to confer with Cabinet and finalize contract, financials, etc.
HHL and OC need to coordinate a time to shop for decorations this week!
Halloween event will be held at Proof on 10/31
Barristers Bowl
MJ and FC to handle lead-up to Barristers Bowl
Tentatively 11/12 around 5:30-6:00
Wellness Tailgate is postponed due to weather
SBA donated a gift bag giveaway to student advancement office, including 1 SBA hat, a pair of pickleball paddles, and a set of pickleballs (~ $50+ value)
Andrew needs check for ice and Harrison needs check for photos
Website to be updated with new board member headshots - GM handling
HHL looking into creating a “Meet the Board” instagram post
COGS meeting success - ideas to be implemented
New board member orientation success
Comments/concerns from your sections?
1L: Coffee issues with both the starbucks coffee machine and coffee corner
Starbucks watered down
Ice machine doesn’t work in coffee corner (water?)
1st floor elevator of library beeping
Transfers frustrated about registration process; transfers are locked in to taking 1L sections rather than being able to choose which LegReg, etc. kneecaps them for choosing bar prep classes and other classes
1L concerns with Friday Forum outline checkin timeline
2L concern with ALC course midterm timeline
1st floor men’s bathroom issues
Thank you all for your hard work on the tailgate - please let us know about feedback
Beginning this week on the knowledge transfer background work.
Reaching out to Lucas at Clyde’s w/ Josh to finalize Semi details
We have to get approved for funds by COGS, then LSC
Formal process of requesting funds and timeliness of them
Must be from pre-approved list of vendors
Clyde’s isn’t pre-approved vendor (requires 30 day notice)
Need to draft an email for Semi delinquencies
200+ tickets sold (roughly 40 Garnet) (as of 8:00pm - 10/7)
Need to get white SBA hat for member who purchased
Called Recess but no answer - will call again tomorrow at 10am
Will print out the group board pic when Harrison sends it.
Please call Clyde’s tomorrow and get info on their age limitations and TV status
Upcoming posts: tailgate recap → let’s do a story telling people to send in their photos to be featured - Done; semi ticket push that prices are increasing - Done; semi lookbook; halloween save the date; halloween tickets - AL
Also, thinking of a calendar post? (credit to FC!)
Updates on Hurricane Food Drive
Push back because of Helene and Milton
Incentive - raffle ticket per donation (i.e. win a free ticket to Halloween event)
Working on Semi Formal decorations with OC
$100-150 budget
Cleared up confusion regarding Gold v. Garnet memberships for events
Transfers have raised issues with class registration process
Hurts their ability to select BAR/Elective classes when time constricted
Confusion surrounding the need to buy an additional guest ticket for events
All guests must have their own ticket, as well as the student bringing them
Some events canceled due to storm (guest speakers were from different part of Florida)
People asking if there will be another tailgate - Law school hosts alumni tailgate
Received a lot of glowing reviews on the tailgate
On clean up w/ JB for semi - willing to help wherever needed
Ice machine in the coffee room doesn’t seem to be operational
Many complaints about the coffee being watered down on the Starbucks machine
“We do these things not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”-JFK. Couldn’t be more proud to be a part of this group let’s have a week.
9-30-24 SBA Meeting
Attendance: Allison Laudadio, James Blount, Josh Gallagher, Garrison McDaniel, Fran Cuttitta, Diego Hemelberg, Haley Hauk-Landon, Matt Jolley, Olivia Callari, Andrew Louis, Gambill Dallas
Start Time: 8:03
End Time: 9:29
October is our busiest month and I really appreciate everyone’s hard work and focus!
Board photos are on 10/3 THURSDAY at 8am on Rotunda Green
Harrison Cho can photograph - HHL requesting final price quote
Suit Colors
Navy - AL, JG, GM, OC, ALA, JB, MJ FC
Black - HHL, JB, ALA, MJ, FC
Charcoal Grey-GD, GM, ALA, FC
Light Grey- DH
Shamrock Cleaners - Dry Clean
Sunshine Alterations
Arrival Times
AL, FC, GM, DH, JG can attend 8-8:50am
ALA, HHL, GD, MJ can attend 8 - 9:25 am
OC, JB - can attend 8-10:00 am
Semi–Formal tickets have been launched
+1 Need to be the same membership level as host
EXCEPTION: Non-Gold law student can’t be a “Gold” Guest of Gold Member
As many +1’s as you want
HHL and OC taking lead on buying and setting up decorations
Ticket shifts?
8:00-8:30 (2) - JG, MJ
8:30-9:00 (3) - FC, DH, ALA
9:00-9:30 (2) - GM, AL
Clean Up (2) - JB, GD
Aim for 10/11 at 11:59 cutoff
Aiming for 11/12 (Tuesday) for Barrister’s Bowl
FC and MJ to take lead on event
Points of Contact
FSU - Kevin Griffin, Hannah Robinson, Taylor Collins, Sofia Higgins, Matt Groteke
UF - Jillian Melinek, Kelly Welch, Jackson Henry, Jay McArthur, Annalise Griffin
Halloween event will tentatively be held at Proof
Secured all four physical passes for the Tailgate
JB and AL to attend COGS meeting on 10/6
Wellness Tailgate (10/9 - 12:00 - 1:30 pm) Ticket Shifts
12:00 - 12:30 - AL
12:30 - 1:30 - JB, ALA, OC, HHL,GD
Non-cabinet SBA members to serve on LSC: HHL, DH, MJ, ALA, FC (3-4); TBD on final
Student concerns in your classes/sections?
1st Floor men’s bathroom
Urinal has been broken for a week
One sink sensor doesn’t work
Paper towel dispenser doesn’t work
Group facetime / zoom sunday 10/6 with AL, JB, 1Ls and Transfer for onboarding
Sending headshot to AL
AL forwarded some ABA rep opportunity stuff
Drivers (excl GM) to meet at Ad Center lot at 10:00am Saturday for load up
GM, JB, GD, and OC driving
Everyone not driving, try and be on the IM fields at 12:30 at the latest.
MJ and ALA will ask about tent coverage
If you are bringing something that we plan to use (TVs etc.) please plan to meet us at the Ad center lot around 10:00 or store at Caldwell
OC meeting with generator at 10am in Ad Center
GM and MJ bringing TVs
GM provided Tailgate Diagram
I will bring 3-4 coolers to keep necessary items cold
Semi-Formal is October 12 from 8:00 - 11:00 pm at Clyde’s
Clydes will handle IDs but SBA will handle check-in right next to entrance
Let us know if there are issues with makeup work or other issues due to the Hurricane
Stripe account password and emails were reset and corrected
Waiting on Lucas to receive final quote for Semi
Received the venue contract
Quote has been submitted for the tailgate
Created website listing for Semi-Formal tickets
Has been published and ticket sales are open
Stay on top of delinquencies
Proof responded this morning to our Halloween request
3 hours - Private area
$250 staffing
$1500 minimum
7-10pm time request
Ticket Price:
$12 Gold $20 Garnet (tentatively)
$2000 quote reply back?
No response from any other venues for Halloween
EASL is picking up food and helping with setup for the tailgate
Jessica Balogun was not on SBA Members sheet, so her locker was reset
Issue has been corrected and new locker assigned
Starting a hurricane relief drive
OC, DH, HHL will contribute
Point person on Barristers Bowl along with MJ
Calling Recess to get the name of Rodeo DJ
Tailgate Ad, Semi blurb and ticket link has been posted in 2L chat
Dine and Dash flier drafts have been sent to AL
Finalizing quote from Harrison Cho for Board photoshoot
Semi lookbook and blurb has been finalized and sent in chats
Transfer Request for an additional cooler/fridge that’s not in the Ad Center
Bringing a TV and soundbar for tailgate
On standby for Publix pickup (Will get assistance from Gambill)
BLSA is doing initiation on 10/5
Will accommodate as needed
Borrowing a generator from a friend for the Tailgate
Might need help picking it up this week
For future reference - got with FSU main campus and they advised Sunbelt and United Rentals are good options – we called both - Sunbelt had better prices:
$64 for 3000K Watt Generator
Pushing SBA anonymous suggestion box
Scanner in the lounge not working properly - AL reporting to deans
Available for COSTCO/Publix run for tailgate if needed, willing to take point with whoever is spearheading semi
Hoping Noles steal one this weekend against Clemson!
9-23-24 SBA Meeting
Attendance: Allison Laudadio, James Blount, Joshua Gallagher, Garrison McDaniel, Francesca Cuttitta, Diego Hemelberg, Matthew Jolley, Andrew Louis, Olivia Callari, Gambill Dallas, Haley Haulk-Landon
Start Time: 8:00pm
End Time: 9:15pm
All hands on deck for tailgate - assist with set-up, food delivery, breakdown
EASL bringing their board to help
Need all 4 hard copies for Tailgate Lot 14
SGA blurb/flier shared for Kole
JB and AL attending 10/6 COGS meeting
HHL, AL(A), JB and DH attending law school facilities meeting on 9/25 at 3:15 PM
Aiming for Thursday, Oct 3, at 8:00am to get board photos locked in
HHL discuss with Harrison Cho for photography
Need to push 10/9 Wellness tailgate on the green (12:00 - 1:30 pm)
Tabling: AL - 12:00 - 12:30, JB and AL(A) - 12:30 - 1:30
HHL to make a cute graphic / flyer reminding people that you need to attend the lunch meeting if you want free lunch - no dine and dash
Push a reminder in the “Student Organization” section of the announcements
Graphics committee - let’s reach out to Harrison Cho and make it official!
First project can be tailgate flyer; we need a cool one ASAP
JG to get Stephen’s email off Stripe email
Procedures and Manuals for turnover/onboarding for next year’s board
JB to lead project over the course of the year
Welcome Back Social photos to be uploaded to SBA drive in a folder all organized
Emphasize board to take pics at events where no photographer is present
Suggestion: Let students send in pictures to post on socials
Student concerns in your classes/sections:
Semi scheduling delayed check-in shifts to respect religious holiday (Yom Kippur); we will accommodate
Starbucks coffee machine in lounge has no signage for payment
Tailgate gates open at noon: drivers need to arrive at 11 to load everything in the cars
JB, GM, GD to drive their cars, need 1 more driver
All cars need 1 passenger to ease burden of loading/unloading
Reaching out to Andrew Barrineau as 4th driver
EASL (4 people) will pick up and deliver food around 2:00pm
GD getting quote from hardware stores for generator quotes
GM draw up tailgate diagram by Thursday
Semi Planning – will have roles for people next week
Tentative Gold - $35, Garnet - $50 for first round of pricing
Confirming/Finalizing with Clyde’s this week
FC only board member potentially absent as of now
Tickets to go live once event/price is finalized
HHL will make lookbook for when Semi sales go live
First assignment for Harrison: flyers for tailgate and semi
SBA paying for speaker from 2023 Barristers
Paid $500 security deposit to Recess; other Recess payments TBD
Event Proposals need to be sent 14 calendar days in advance, not 10 business days
JLS has requested a later check in time for semi because it falls on Yom Kippur
$400 quote for DJ - will be DonDiaz level - good music
Can assist with Semi planning
Create item posting on SBA website with prices, flyer, pics from last year’s semi, etc.
Have it on “hidden” mode with ticket counts set, etc. so it’s ready to go live ASAP
Need confirmation from JB/AL
Need to finalize Halloween location
Bulls is unavailable
Filling out form to get a quote from Proof
Waiting on final details back from Palace and Wilbury
Can’t find contact for Poor Pauls
Begin planning Barrister’s Bowl and putting a date on the calendar
Potentially partner with EASL
Squirrels are back in window in library on 3rd floor
Getting DJ from med/law contact from Chris and a price quote
Able to help in whatever capacity
Planning on designs for “Dine and Dash” and Semi-Formal flyer
Reaching out to Harrison Cho for Tailgate flyer and Board Pictures
Reached out to friends about obtaining another tailgate pass
Proposed basketball tourney in the fall (1Ls)
Still in contact with DJ if backup is needed
Hearing interest from classmates and professors for a Halloween costume contest
Classmate who paid semester/year that is interested in paying total 3 years
Email FSU SBA and pay $150, and they will be refunded the semester payment
Will reach out to friend for potential generator rental
Suggestion: Idea for sleeping pods in Advocacy Center
Clarification on parking passes - VW free pass v. Gate access card
HHL putting out blurb with new information
Continue onboarding - assist in 1L section event planning
Has SUV and TV available for tailgate if needed
Still pushing Gold memberships
AL spoke to deans and shared concerns with microwave issues
Working with HHL to clarify any confusion with attire for Semi-Formal
Proposed a fundraiser event: FSU Law’s Got Talent in the spring semester
Alumni donate for tables
Partner with performing arts center
Get in touch with Professor Lee
Professors potentially compete? Like Notre Dame
9-16-24 SBA Meeting
Attendance: Allison Laudadio, James Blount, Josh Gallagher, Garrison McDaniel, Fran Cuttitta, Haley Hauk-Landon, Matthew Jolley, Andrew Louis, Olivia Callari, Gambill Dallas
Start Time: 7:59
End Time: 9:54
Welcome to our new board members! Onboarding coming soon with AL and JB!
Quick Reminders:
All board members are expected to come to all SBA events, meetings, etc.
Communicate absences/accomodations ahead of time
Review the calendar (attached to all agendas)
Student first
FC taking point for day-of Med/Law Rodeo - Limited tickets remain
FC, JG, OC arriving early for set-up
AL, JB, MJ, GM will be late due to work/class
Reaching out to locations for Halloween, deciding more concrete plans after Med/Law
We missed a rental email - Need to be better communicated and establish protocol
Secured two Lot 14 tickets for Clemson tailgate - Need one or two more
MJ reaching out to potential donors
Likely pushing TBA YLS to November or Spring Semester
Push out SGA flyer for Kole Kolasa (Chief Justice of Student Supreme Court) on 9/20
Looking for Election Commision
AL to appoint 4 members of SBA Board to LSC Chairs (Can’t be from Cabinet)
Pushed Sunburn Cannabis event for Deans; flyer and blurb in chats Monday morning
Semi-formal tickets to go live on Mon, Sept 23 - still determining Garnet and Gold pricing
Send out blurb for interest in Graphic Design Committee
Maybe have a tailgate flyer be the “try-out” - HHL to take the lead on
GD and HHL will reach out to Harrison Cho (Worked social media at USC)
Get 1Ls access to Caldwell - AL will email facilities asap
COGS Conference on 10/6 - AL and JG to attend
GM to send When2Meet for Fri, Sat, Sun over next 3 weeks for Board Pictures
Menu for Semi has been sent - waiting for Lucas from Clydes to send contract
Still searching for DJ - AL(A) will reach out to DJ that done multiple FSU events
Suggest $35 for Gold, $50 for Garnet for Semi Tickets (tentative)
Need at least three drivers for tailgate to reserve spots
JB (Truck), GM (4Runner), DG (Jeep)
Once kickoff time is confirmed, we can assign roles for set up
We will create a food area, a drinks area, and an area with cornhole/games.
Promote Lockers to 1Ls - HHL/Graphic Design Committee potentially make flyers
Halloween Idea - costume contest on campus throughout the day.
After classes - scary movie on the Green
Money Spent since last report: $0
Google One issued has been resolved
All receipts were sent to the school for our past events
Once Semi date is confirmed, will begin the process of getting money approved
Need to request separate itemized receipts from Clydes
Encourage Bonds & Beverages on 10/9 at 3:00pm.
Med/Law - 200 Med / 259 Law = 459 Total (8:00pm - 9/16)
Need to offline with JG and AL to discuss BBQ order for Clemson Tailgate
Break down what and how much EASL and SBA will pay for
Need a flyer for the event and then can place order for money request
Calendar and Meeting Minutes updated on SBA Website
Reach out to Palace, Wilbury, Proof, Bulls, Poor Pauls, Dukes and Dotties for Halloween
FC reached out to respective reps for lockers that still had RSO items in them
Canned Food Drive to give “Cold Call Immunity”
Donate to Second Harvest or work w/ Animal Legal Defense - Dog/Cat Food
ABSENT - Happy Birthday Diego!!!
Inquire about Instagram lives - leaving Instagram bio the way it is
Working on making Semi flyer ready to post for 9/23 drop
Can work on Locker flyer if needed
Suggest a Transfer/2L Social event at the beginning of each semester/school year
Helps transfers to better assimilate and get to know classmates
Plan monthly off-campus events to encourage section camaraderie
Section study sessions
Host a Jeopardy Night with classmates
Concerns with 1L Forums - Make each meeting more essential and more spaced out
Suggest only making certain ones mandatory, others optional
Find ways to connect with RSOs and main campus better
Pushing Gold memberships to classmates
Suggest Disco Bowling event - potentially as a fundraiser?
Microwave in lounge is not working well - AL to speak to Deans about replacement
Reviving a universal school Quimbee/Westlaw login
9-9-24 Agenda
Attendance: Allison Laudadio, James Blount, Josh Gallagher, Garrison McDaniel, Fran Cuttitta, Diego Hemelberg, Haley Hauk-Landon
Start Time: 8:03
End Time: 9:14
Student Organization Description request from Bailey Orr email
JB will respond by end of week, might pull description from Nole Central
Elections overviews - board is clear on rules/timeline
Forward to SBA email
Official statement after elections with results - after 5pm ASAP
Signed by GM and AL, posted on Facebook and IG story
Everyone is attending Election Town Hall in Room 208 at 12:30 pm
Flier for the speeches meeting tomorrow - posted around 8:30 pm
Sunburn (cannabis) event to push to students
Need photos taken from the night of Welcome Back Social
Semi-Formal is at Clyde’s on October 12 from 8-11 pm
Save the date by the end of this week
Emerald City theme maybe - details coming soon
Picking up the food for tomorrow’s meeting
Are your classes using the iClicker thing for attendance? Consensus is yes
We need flyers to drive 1L locker sales
$500 total spent on SBA/LSC/ COGS interest meeting, and SBA Townhall
Money was used from the emergency budget
Delivered the check to Wilbury
RSO registration is completed and finalized
PO made for Town Hall tomorrow, pick up is at 12 for Ocala Publix.
I am leaving town Thursday - Sunday
Receiving questions about elections, forwarding everyone to the SBA email.
Address Google One card processing issue
Secured one Lot 14 ticket for the Clemson game, need two more
Try reaching out to Hovik J. Arakelian (AL)
Potentially reach out to Scott and Wallace (AL)
QR code for Venmo to donate at food table
Website, Linktree, and Calendar are all up to date
Publishing meeting minutes - Need AL to confirm 8/27 revisions before publication
Locker Project is complete and up to date - New Master Sheet
319 Med/Law tickets sold (as of 7:00 pm on 9/9)
Need to address students who are bringing guests, but only bought 1 ticket
Daniel Cannon→ Themis rep purchased 2 lockers and would like access
GM sent locker assignments
Room 208 has been confirmed for tomorrow at 12:30PM
Flier and blurb completed and ready to post
WIll not be here the 16th
Made a content calendar to organize posts and dates
Scheduling FB campaign posts for 7 AM on Tuesday
Emerald City Branding
Prefer a break-down shift rather than set-up shift for tailgate
9-3-24 Agenda
Attendance: Allison Laudadio, James Blount, Josh Gallagher, Fran Cuttitta, Haley Hauk-Landon, Diego Hemelberg, Garrison McDaniel
Start Time: 8:01
End Time: 9:30
1L/Transfer Reps Interest Meeting on Thursday
AL, JB, JG, FC, DH attending;
DH picking up food from Ocala Publix, JB printing signature sheets
Transfer Student Event - Need to share on socials - Fri, Sept 6th 5:30-7:30
FC, JB, AL, JG attending
Semi date and location TBD - maybe Friday Oct. 11th at Clyde’s - JB taking lead
Discuss potential themes
Law/Med Rodeo duties / report time / details
Website goes live tomorrow Wednesday; GM & AL collaborate
JB and AL will be there closer to 7:30; everyone else there early (6:45ish)
What are we getting questions about, what are students happy/not happy, concerned, etc about?
Semi date TBD - maybe Friday Oct. 11th Clyde’s - JB taking lead
Lockers - all good now
Sept 10th Elections Townhall - JB can pick up food; FC can help setup
JG can help unload food, HHK, DH attend, GM cannot attend
Did card get to Alexis?
I gave the card to Alexis today - FC
Another membership push when announcing Semi “save the date” in a week
Halloween ideas?
Fall-themed event near Halloween, but not on HWeen night
Screen on the Green? Football game (Miami)? Scary movie?
Pre-game on Halloween night before people go out
GM will call a couple places to inquire about Halloween deals
Proof, Amicus, Wilbury, Palace
Cost? Drink tickets? Minimums?
Estimate for 200-250 people
Costume Contest
Call with Clyde’s tomorrow to confirm the following details:
Drink costs - Tickets? Flat rate?
Time? 8-11pm ideally. Possibly on a Saturday?
Music? DJ? Playlist?
Check-in process? Security?
Tailgate Location - In need of Seminole Boosters/Season Ticket holders for Lot 14
GM/JB Reach out to Facebook Groups, Alums, Donors
Write the 2 checks so I can sign (HHK, JB) and also $2063.66 to Wilbury
JG paid JB $197.85
JB paid HHK $14.00
NoleCentral/COGS Money breakdown
$500 Emergency Fund was approved for event this week
JB and DH are authorized to pick up food
Checks to be put in report for transparency with the student body
Rock N Roll Tequila can sponsor our tailgate, will work out details if interested
Need to encourage 1L membership purchases
All membership and locker sheets are up to date and accurate
All new members have been assigned lockers
Need to offline with AL about Meeting Minute Revisions, Publishing, and Website edits
Report to Facilities for unpaid lockers
FC reachout to WLS for their products at locker 133, 136
FC reach out to Themis for products at locker 113, 129
After locker project, report available lockers
Has some bandwidth this week to help out wherever needed!
Printing flier (HHL made) and writing blurb for Elections Townhall - Sep. 10 - Room 208
Making PowerPoint for Townhall, update with relevant information
Include : Gold vs Garnet details, Events to come, Discounts with memberships
What positions are up for election? I need runoff dates and voting deadlines, campaign statements, headshots?
Transfer Rep, 1L Reps
Reach out to Maddie Seigel (LSC) and Jack Rowan (COGS) for positions
Role descriptions
Election commission, student supreme court - Jack R
CAMPAIGN BEGINS → Tuesday, September 10th at 12:01am.
SPEECHES → Tuesday, September 10th at 12:30pm.
VOTING → Wednesday, September 11th at 8:00am until 5:00pm.
POTENTIAL RUNOFF VOTING → Thursday, September 12th at 8:00am until 5:00pm
Welcome back and PBBC post to be made on socials
Election Town Hall - Live stream speeches on socials
Instagram Stories
Instagram Post
Elections Interest Meeting @ noon
Med-Law Social @ 8 PM
I am OOO from Thursday, 09/06 to Sunday, 09/08, but always available to help out remotely!
8/27/2024 Agenda
Attendance: Allison Laudadio, James Blount, Josh Gallagher, Garrison McDaniel, Francesca Cuttitta, Diego Hemelberg, Haley Hauk-Landon
Start Time: 8:02
End Time: 9:05
Ensure all lockers are assigned and emails sent out to new members (GM)
Assist JG with budget revisions for LSC meeting
Revised budget request needs to be sent to LSC tomorrow morning!
AL, JG, HHK, JB attending
AL made flyer to be posted for Med/Law social
Tickets on sale next Wednesday
HHL will post on social media for Pro Bono Boot Camp and Welcome Back Social
GM needs to update the SBA website calendar and continue to keep it updated
Need to choose a venue for Semi-Formal and send out a save-the-date
JB reaching out to Clyde’s for quote and date availability
1L/Transfer Rep/Committee Interest Meeting - DH take lead
Need date, PPT, room reserved, food invoice (after LSC MTG), flyer, etc.
9/5 - Election Interest Meeting
9/9 - Election Forms Due, Headshot, Campaign Statement
9/10 - Election Town Hall
9/11 - Elections
Tell us when you know you won’t be able to attend something in advance
Please provide better communication when you’re running late to events
Make sure that you are pulling your weight
Pro Bono Boot Camp was a success!
Please sign the card for Alexis, she did a lot for us on this event
Need to send pictures and blurb for Pro Bono Boot Camp to HHK for social post
Currently Working on the SBA LSC Appeal Document
Only need the DJ quote; Photography quoted at $1100
Meeting with LSC is tomorrow (8/28) is at 4:00pm
AL and JG need to provide check for the Pro Bono Boot Camp food
HLL sending to email to AL and JG for cost of the Welcome Back Social provided by Wilbury
Rock N Roll Tequila would be interested in sponsoring the event for us for no cost
AL sent sponsor’s contact (Chris)
Assigning 1Ls available lockers ASAP
Resetting lockers of previous 3Ls and non-renewals over this week
Non-renewal deadline is Wednesday (8/28); clear out by Friday (8/30)
Advising facilities on lockers with items in then
Logging new members from the 1L class as they come in
Currently at 20 1Ls (8/27 @ 11:45am)
EASL and SBA will host a joint tailgate for the Clemson game (10/5)
Submit quotes for SBA side to Josh ($156.71 + 7.5% tax = $168.46)
Email has been reorganized into relevant categories
Canned Immunity (canned food drive) event proposed w/ incentive to give “Cold Call Immunity”
Will discuss closer to November
Med/Law School Social shifts need to be assigned
AL will be later shifts
1L Rep Events
Thurs, Sept 5th 12:30PM-1:30PM, Room 208 (INFO MEETING
Tuesday, Sept 10th, 12:30PM-1:30PM, Room 208 (TOWNHALL)
Discuss potential committees and their election/appointment
Will discuss further during SBA Election Week (9/9-13)
Post highlights for Pro Bono Boot Camp and Welcome Back Social